December 1, 1993
College of Wm & Mary and VIMS

The term "submerged aquatic vegetation" for the purpose of this report encompasses 19 taxa from 10 vascular macrophyte families and 3 taxa from 1 freshwater macrophytic algal family, the Characeae, but excludes all other algae, both benthic and planktonic, which occur in the Chesapeake Bay and itstriutaries (Appendix A). although these other algae do constitute a portion of the SAV biomass in the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries (Humm, 1979), this study has not aattempted to identify, delineate, or discuss the algal component of the begetation nor its relative importance in the flora, except for the Characeae. This is the case, for example, with the benthic marine algae, including many macrophytes, which sometimes co-occur in the same beds as vascular paltns, even as epiphytes on vascular plants.

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