January 1, 1992
Chesapeake Bay Program

In this report, a comparison data set with helix and block results for the same samples was analyzed to estimate the magnitude of the low bias of the helix method compared to the block method. This data set extends the comparison made with freshwater samples by Slayton and Trovato (1979) to estuarine waters fwith lower chlorophyll and nitrogen concentrations. To improve the accuracy of nitrogen estimates in the Chesapeake Bay Program's time-variable computer model, the Modeling Subcommittee requested the equations would be useful in other analyses as well, and have also been requested by the Maryland Department of Environment (Magien pers. comm.). The TKMW and TKNF helix data were adjusted became permanaent on Jaunary 22, 1992, when this report was approved by the Monitoring Subcommittee. The original helix data are still available upon request in the CBP data base.

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