May 1, 1999
Environmental Engineering/Virginia Tech/Blacksburg, VA

Full reports for each BNR evaluation were filed with the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office, the State Office with responsibility for Chesapeake Bay bactivities and enforcement, and the owner & Manager of the evaluated WWTP. Summarized reports of each of the plant evaluations are attached in Appendix II of this report. The overall results of the BNR evaluations have been sumarized in Tables 2, 3, and4, located at the end if this section of the text. More than one technology option was developed for many of the plants. The lowest cost modifications option for each of the WWTP's that would achieve a substantial reduction in effluent nitrogen, i.e., 8 mg/L or less, is listed in Table 5, also located at the end of this section of text. Detailed facility reports for all plants evaluated can be obtained from the USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office.

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