September 1, 2009
Chesapeake Bay Program

The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Monitoring efforts have served to provide Bay water quality and living resource health assessments while guiding restoration efforts in the Bay community for over 25 years. As an outcome of a Chesapeake Bay Scientific and Tecnical Committee (STAC) monitoring review, the CBP monitoring objectives have shifted from a focus of characterizing estuarine health to delisting of the bay and assessing effectiveness of anagement actions in the watershed (Wardrop and Kirk, 2009). This change in focus is resulting in a shift of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CBP monitoring resources and maintain the integrity of existing monitoring programs. Better partnering with existing monitoring efforts was identified as a potentially valuable tool in this resource realignment. Additionally, there is still a need to monitor slected living resources and their habitats since restoring and protecting fish and habitats are goals of the CBP.

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