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August 1, 2007
Chesapeake Bay Program
EPA Number:
EPA 803-R-07-004

A Comprehensive List of Chesapeke Bay Basin Species 2007n provides a list of aquatic and aquatic-associated organisms found in recent decades in the Chespeake Bay Basin. The list is not exhaustive because a) it is based primarily on taxa identified in monitoring programs and not all aquatic taxonomic groups are monitored in the basin, and b) the focus has been on taxa found in tidal waters. An initial species list was compiled in 1992 by the EPA from monitoring data collected by federal and state agencies and private institutions (CBP/TRS 70/92). Subsequent search in 1993 (Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin), 199601997 and 2007 (Chesapeake Bay Program Data Center) identified more aquatic Chesapeake Bay species information. The Chesapeake Bay Program Data Center) identified more aquaitc Chesapeake Bay species information The Chesapeake Bay Program began publishing periodic updates of the Comprehensive List of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species in 1997.

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