How do scientists use monitoring and modeling tools to paint a picture of the Chesapeake Bay?

By using science to paint a picture of the Chesapeake Bay, the Chesapeake Bay Program provides decision-makers from around the 64,000 square-mile watershed with the tools to determine what their communities can do to improve water quality locally and downstream. Mayor Leo Lutz of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Scott Phillips of the U.S. Geological Survey, and Lee Currey of the Maryland Department of the Environment discuss how monitoring and modeling efforts complement each other in order to reveal the Chesapeake Bay watershed in fine detail.

Video Credits

Produced by
Will Parson
"Chapel Donder," "Plate Grayscale," and "Algea Trio" by Blue Dot Sessions via Free Music Archive
Additional footage:
Steve Droter
Special thanks to
Mayor Leo Lutz, Scott Phillips, Lee Currey, and Mary Gattis


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