How can we use natural processes to reduce stormwater runoff?

As stormwater flows across streets, sidewalks, lawns and golf courses, it can pick up harmful pollutants and push them into storm drains, rivers and streams. Green infrastructure such as rain gardens, street trees and green roofs can help capture and treat pollution by mimicking the way natural landscapes slow water down and help it infiltrate into the ground.

Listen as experts from the Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Morgan State University and the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, describe green infrastructure efforts that have helped improve local waters and the Chesapeake Bay.

Video Credits

Produced by
Brian Canavan

"Smart Tech Process", "Investigation" and "Ambient Calm Technology Medicine Science" by MV Productions; "Ambient Technology Science" by FredBProductions

Additional footage:
Chesapeake Bay Program
Special thanks to
David Wood, James Hunter, Elford Jackson, Kate Austin, Michael Lutz, Francine Firestine



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