Mark Dubin

Mark serves as a Senior Faculty Specialist with the University of Maryland’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He has held several positions with the Chesapeake Bay Program since arriving in 2006, including serving as the Coordinator for the program’s Agriculture Workgroup, and currently as the partnership’s first Senior Agricultural Advisor. His primary responsibilities include providing improved agricultural land management and production data for the partnership’s pollution simulation models. He also assists the partnership with the development of science-based methods to track, report and verify implementation of agricultural best management practices to reduce non-point source nutrient and sediment pollution. Mark has worked on family farms in Maryland and Pennsylvania his entire life and been employed by both universities and state agencies, including Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection where he assisted in developing and implementing the Commonwealth’s Chesapeake Bay non-point source pollution reduction goals. His career accomplishments have been recognized through numerous awards from the US Department of the Interior, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the University of Maryland.