Showing 11 - 20 of 206 stories

By the Numbers: 54

The number of National Park Service sites in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

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By the Numbers: 110,701

The acres of forestland protected by the Maryland Forest Conservation Act in the two decades since it was passed

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By the Numbers: 502

The number of sustainable public and charter schools in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

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By the Numbers: 100

The ideal width, in feet, of a riparian forest buffer

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By the Numbers: 458,000

The average weight, in tons, of bay anchovy produced in the Chesapeake Bay each year

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By the Numbers: 128

The total number of high-tide flood days observed in Annapolis, Baltimore, Norfolk and the District of Columbia last year

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By the Numbers: 15

The number of national wildlife refuges located in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

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By the Numbers: 8 billion

The amount of microbeads released each day into aquatic habitats across the United States.

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