Stories by Catherine Krikstan
Catherine Krikstan is a web writer at the Chesapeake Bay Program. She began writing about the watershed as a reporter in Annapolis, Md., where she covered algae blooms and climate change and interviewed hog farmers and watermen. She lives in Washington, D.C.
Showing 21 - 30 of 206 stories
Local, state, federal agencies open 22 public access sites in Chesapeake Bay region
May 23, 2016Boat ramps and fishing piers connect people to creeks, streams and rivers
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By the Numbers: 570,000
April 29, 2016The area, in square miles, encompassed by the Chesapeake Bay airshed
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Monitoring finds more than 91,000 acres of underwater grasses in Chesapeake Bay
April 28, 2016The 2015 acreage exceeds the 2017 restoration target two years early
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Data show drop in estimated nutrient, sediment loads entering Chesapeake Bay
April 18, 2016Computer simulations track partner progress toward clean water goals
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Adult female blue crab abundance rises 92 percent in 2016
April 13, 2016Researchers count 194 million adult female blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay
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By the Numbers: $10.7 billion
March 30, 2016The estimated cost of treating, removing and replacing the trees expected to be affected by the invasive emerald ash borer
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By the Numbers: 2.5 million
March 2, 2016The amount of road salt, in tons, applied across the Chesapeake Bay watershed each year
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Chesapeake Bay Program launches accountability tool
February 17, 2016ChesapeakeProgress to help oversight groups track partnership work toward Watershed Agreement
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By the Numbers: 51 billion
February 3, 2016The average amount of river water, in gallons, that flows into the Chesapeake Bay each day
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Chesapeake Bay Program makes measured progress toward restoring the watershed
February 2, 2016The latest Bay Barometer offers a snapshot of environmental health
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