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March 1, 1994
Chesapeake Bay Program

This report is a summary of Phase I and II of a study designed to provide neessary data and recommendation for development of estuarine acute and chronic atrazine criterion for the Chesapeake Bay. The specific objectives of Phase I were to review all literature on the toxicity of atrazine to aquatic estuarine organisms (1-26 0/00); identify data that could be used for the development of acute and chronic water quality criterion for Chesapeake Bay and recommend additional toxicity toxicity testing needed to fill data gaps for development of estuarine water quality criteria. The objectives of Phase II were to conduct the test identified in Phase I necessary to fill data gaps for the acute criterion, update the Phase I report with the new data and provide additional information on the effects of salinity on the toxicity of atrazine to two representative Chesapeake Bay species.

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