July 1, 1996

The Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program (CBMP) has been reporting dissolved organic carbon (DOC) data since the program was initiated in 1984. However, the laboratories involved in reporting the data used different instrumentation and methods. Ultimately, data was considered questionable when DOC samples which had been split between laboratores were found to show statistically significant differences (US Environmental Protection Agency, 1990-1991). Beginning with the first Bay cruise in January 1996, DOC data will no longer be reported; however, AMQAW requested that the DOC data generated since the beginning of the program be scrutinized and that 1) a factor be found, if possible, to improve the comparability of the data, 2) the affect of salinity on DOC measurements, in generaal, be assessed, 3) a DOC procedure be recommended for future DOC work so that future DOC data will be in closer agreement.

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