2008 Stories
Showing 1 - 10 of 40 stories

Rep. Wittman visits the Bay Program office
December 12, 2008Rep. Rob Wittman from Virginia presented at the quarterly Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee meeting about his bill.
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Partnership Protects Virginia Marsh from Erosion
December 4, 2008An agency partnership protects from erosion more than 500 acres of tidal freshwater marsh on Herring Creek in Charles City County, Virginia.
Read storyForest buffers featured at latest Forestry Workgroup meeting
December 2, 2008In early October the search was on for a site in the Bay watershed for the November 18 Bay Program Forestry Workgroup meeting.
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New Online Calculator Assesses Your Nitrogen Footprint
December 1, 2008Ever wonder how much pollution you contribute to the Bay and its rivers?
Read storyInvasive Zebra Mussels Found in Susquehanna River
December 1, 2008Zebra mussels have been found for the first time in the Maryland portion of the Susquehanna River.
Read storyVideo from the Executive Council meeting
November 24, 2008We're (slowly) adding video of the 2008 Executive Council meeting to YouTube.
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Getting aboard the low-impact development train
November 19, 2008I used to be an engineer when I was a kid growing up in the suburbs of hilly central Connecticut.
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Gearing up for the Executive Council meeting
November 18, 2008The 2008 Chesapeake Exective Council meeting is just two days away.
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