2011 Stories
Showing 1 - 10 of 122 stories
Tributary Tuesday: Clark Creek (Dauphin County, Pa.)
December 27, 2011Clark Creek, a 31-mile-long tributary of the Susquehanna River, is popular with hikers, cyclists and fly fishermen.
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Watershed Wednesday: Friends of Sligo Creek (Takoma Park, Md.)
December 21, 2011Friends of Sligo Creek is a volunteer organization that has worked since 2001 to clean up this Potomac River tributary.
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Six great spots to explore the outdoors this winter
December 19, 2011Here are six great places across the Chesapeake Bay watershed to experience activities you can only enjoy in winter.
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Susquehanna Flats bay grass beds survive late summer hurricanes, rain storms
December 15, 2011The vast underwater grass beds of the Susquehanna Flats are in much better condition than scientists expected.
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Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Forest Champion keeps it in the family
December 15, 2011When Susan Benedict talks about her forest – a 200,000 acre property in Centre County, Pennsylvania -- she talks about family.
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Tributary Tuesday: Cayuta Lake and Cayuta Creek (New York and Pennsylvania)
December 13, 2011Cayuta Lake and the surrounding areas provide a pristine habitat for rare plants and animals.
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Watershed Wednesday: Howard County Conservancy (Maryland)
December 7, 2011The Howard County Conservancy protects natural areas and educates the public about Maryland's environment.
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Six Chesapeake Bay animals best seen in winter
December 5, 2011Get your winter critter-fix by learning about these six beautiful Bay animals that are most common during our coldest months.
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James River gets “C” health grade in latest report
December 1, 2011The James River Association (JRA) has given Virginia’s James River a C in its latest State of the James report.
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Photo tour: Eastern Shore of Va. paradise for wildlife – and people
November 25, 2011View photos from Fisherman Island, a tiny wildlife refuge at the tip of the Delmarva Peninsula.
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