Streamside fencing could improve water quality, livestock health
Chesapeake Bay Commission report outlines benefits, current efforts of livestock exclusion practices

Preventing livestock from entering streams could improve the health of both local waterways and the animals themselves, according to a new report from the Chesapeake Bay Commission.
When hoofed farm animals—such as cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and goats—have clear access to streams, they trample and erode the banks and bottoms of waterways, freeing sediment and nutrients to flow downstream to the Bay. Animal waste contributes additional nutrient pollution, as well as bacteria that can cause human health concerns.
“Livestock exclusion” is an agricultural best management practice (BMP) that uses fences, streamside buffers and alternative water sources to draw animals away from streams and wetlands. The practice benefits not only water quality but the health of the animals themselves: in operations that have installed fences along streams, farmers have reported decreases in injuries and disease in their herds. In the report, the Bay Commission details the benefits of livestock exclusion; describes current efforts throughout its member states of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia; and looks at factors affecting the widespread implementation of these practices.
By lowering the amount of sediment and nutrients flowing to the Bay, practices like livestock exclusion help meet the clean water goals of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, which encompasses the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
The report, Healthy Livestock, Healthy Streams: Policy Actions to Promote Livestock Stream Exclusion, is available through the Chesapeake Bay Commission website.
It was very informative to know that horses can free up nutrients to the water stream because they have a direct access to it with the help of an installed fence. I have a rest house near a water stream and there are a lot of horses in the area. Since I'm planning on farming near my house, I'll make sure to have farm fences installed by qualified professionals.
The millions o dollars being being spent on cover crops should go into paying 100% of the cost to fence ALL streams from livestock and install grass buffers on ALL cropland fields where runoff exits the fields!
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