Tagged Stories: "wildlife"
The race to reverse the saltmarsh sparrow's decline
December 6, 2024The fate of a species depends on saving its waterlogged habitat
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What’s your ‘Unsung Hero’ of the Chesapeake Bay?
June 7, 2024Chesapeake Bay Program staff and partners spotlight their favorite wildlife, places, programs and people
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The eastern painted turtle: A natural work of art
April 5, 2024A reptile famous for its colorful shell
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A small creature faced with a big environmental task
March 6, 2024Brook floaters are threatened by climate change, invasive species and pollution
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Seven successes show there’s more than one way to restore a wetland
February 12, 2024Seven unique wetland projects from across the Bay watershed
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Dobsonfly adults are all bark and no bite
September 6, 2023The eastern dobsonfly may look intimidating but the larvae are the real predators
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5 LBBs (little brown birds) to see in the Chesapeake
March 3, 2023Identifying commonly overlooked birds
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How do road salts impact Chesapeake critters?
January 30, 2023A wood frog visits a vernal pool in Chesapeake Beach, Md., on March 10, 2019. Vernal pools are seasonal wetlands that attract a range of amphibians, which use the fish-free environment to spawn and reproduce. Amphibians that breed early in the year, like the wood frog are particularly vulnerable to contamination from road salts.
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My Clean Water Story: Peter Tango
November 18, 2022Our monitoring coordinator is still trying to scratch the “water quality itch”
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Four ways owls are superior predators
November 3, 2022Special adaptations help owls successfully hunt in all conditions
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